Me kasutame erinevaid küpsiseid, mis on esitatud alljärgnevas valikus. Vajalikud küpsised on meie saidi toimimiseks hädavajalikud ja seetõttu on need vaikimisi seatud. Kõik teised küpsised aitavad meil kujundada meie veebipakkumist vastavalt teie vajadustele ja seda pidevalt täiustada. Statistikaküpsised aitavad meil mõista, kuidas külastajad meie veebisaidiga suhtlevad, kogudes teavet anonüümselt. Turundusküpsised võimaldavad meil parandada meie veebisaidil pakutavaid tooteid. Saate neid küpsiseid hallata, klõpsates alloleval nupul. Saate igal ajal meie veebisaidil seadistusi vaadata ja neid vastavalt muuta.
Lisateavet leiate meie privaatsuspoliitikast .
Alates 18
Järgnevad leheküljed on mõeldud ainult täiskasvanutele. Sisestades kinnitate, et olete vähemalt 18-aastane.
The head of the penis is filled with nerves, as is the urethra, which feel amazing when stimulated. This device is designed to both stimulate and stretch the urethra adding new sensations and training for larger sounds. Can also be used for liquid play.
I've had mine for a while and love wearing it. I also have a 'Cock Ring' that I wear with it. The combination is great. It's all I can do not to cum all the time. I really enjoy having the two on when we go out. I have both on now.
Reinstecken bis zum Maximum aufpumpen, rausziehen und es anal treiben. Nachdem du gekommen bist, pumpst du deinen Partner mit deiner Blasenluft in den A. Ein Vergnügen für beide.
Schon das Anlegen des Cockilators ist aufregend, insbesondere das Einführen der Harnröhrenelektrode. Mit dem Einschalten der Impulse beginnt der geile Genuss. Kurz vor dem Finale können mir die Impulse nicht stark genug sein vor lauter (im Sinne des Wortes) Geilheit.
Cette sonde est un très beau jouet qui vient en complément de la sonde Érection du matin et de la sonde Étireur de pénis ! Elle porte bien son nom de baguette magique et vous emmène au 7ème ciel en très peu de temps. Je vous la conseil vivement.
Just the right diameter and length to be comfortable. I combined it with a ring that fits snugly behind my glans and the sensations were unbelievable. I can wear it all day, cum and piss thru it, and it gives great pleasure throughout the day as it reminds you it's there. Great service form time of order to receipt also.
Der Tailbone Penis Plug Sound mit Ring ist richtig gut verarbeitet. Das Einführen mit Gleitmittel ist ein herrliches Gefühl, zu spüren wenn er immer tiefer in dich eindringt.
This is my favorite sound/plug by far. The sensations are incredible and I can't get enough of it. I love the weight and feel. Masturbating with this rod is amazing and makes me keep "cuming" back for more! Best piece in my collection.
A perfect stecher, but it didn't enter on first time, as it wanted to be domesticated. But, with giving a couple more screws every day, the whole will enter. However, it could be better to plan times of rest between two testing, even some weeks. And let note that there is a left-handed screw.