See tagumik on kahtlemata täiesti vinge! See on tõenäoliselt parim pistik, mida olete kunagi kasutanud. See on saadaval 5 suuruses, see on paindlik, pikk ja anatoomiliselt kujundatud, nii et see saab ise anaalikanali sisse käärida. Spetsiaalne alus tagab ka selle, et saate tagumispistikut mugavalt, turvaliselt ja diskreetselt kasutada 24/7 igapäevaelus.
See tagumik on kahtlemata täiesti vinge! Tegelikult on see tõenäoliselt parim pepupistik, mida olete kunagi kasutanud. See on saadaval 5 suuruses, see on imeliselt paindlik, pikk ja anatoomiliselt kujundatud, nii et see saab ise oma tee anaalikanalisse käärida. Spetsiaalselt kujundatud alus tagab ka selle, et saate tagumispistikut mugavalt, ohutult ja eelkõige diskreetselt kasutada 24/7 igapäevaelus.
Pikk tagumispistik, mis täidab teie unistused sügavast penetratsioonist - vajadusel kogu päeva! Me kujundasime tagumispistiku aluse nii, et see imbub teie tagumiku vahele ja püsib kindlalt paigal. Kas oled tööl või ülikoolis, keegi ei märka, kui sul on see pikk tagumispistik diskreetselt tagumikus. Pepupistik ei ole isegi siis, kui sa istud, kuid pakub lisamõnusid, kui see lükatakse veelgi sügavamale sinu sisse ja stimuleerib siis sinu naudingu punkti.
Sul on valida viie suuruse vahel:
Mida ma veel peaksin teadma?
Selle kaunis, ülipehme ja õmblusteta pind tundub lihtsalt uimastavalt. Tänu kõigile nendele eelistele libiseb see tagumispistik sinusse nagu iseenesest mõne tilga libestusainega. Väike EXTREMEO sprei muudab ka sisestamise lihtsamaks. Eriti kvaliteetsest TPE-st valmistatud tagumispistikut saab kasutada kõigi vee- või silikoonipõhiste libestusainetega.
Täiendavad üksikasjad:
Deep feelings
Bought the XL. Fits just right in all the right places. Only downer is the colour change otherwise highly recommend
It really is as comfortable as described
Firstly, I should congratulate MEO on delivering the item to literally the other side of the world in just four days. I'm based in NZ and ordered on Monday evening: the package was delivered on Friday morning. That's amazing service!
I couldn't wait to unwrap this plug and get it inserted. I'm a fairly experienced player, so I ordered the XXL size and it fits just right. It stretches me enough that I know it's there, but isn't so large that I can't wait to get it out. The length is just enough to penetrate my 'second ring' which feels great and sitting on it stimulates the ring as well as my prostate - and it feels gooood. I've managed to keep it in for about four hours so far and it's so comfortable that, even after orgasm, I don't feel that urgent need to remove it that I have with many of my other toys. I'm not usually able to maintain an erection with anything inserted in the back door and, while I'm aware it may be pure coincidence, that ISN'T the case with this plug. I'm not suggesting it as a cure for erectile issues, simply pointing out that it does the job just fine for me. This toy has immediately become my favourite and I love how it's as comfortable at the end of your session as it is at the beginning - however long there may be between those two points.
All-in-all, I'd thoroughly recommend this toy for beginners and experts. I don't think you'll be sorry you bought it.
Devo ancora abituarmici...
Da dire che l’anal non fa molto per me e difatti mi da fastidio dopo un po’ (taglia s) appunto perché non sono abituata a questo tipo di cose, però il materiale è molto morbido e la forma è molto comoda. nonostante il mio “”problema”” con l’anal mi sono trovata bene con questo tipo di toy, devo ancora abituarmici.
Fühlt sich super an
Genau die richtige Länge, top Material und Form. Fühlt sich eingeführt super an insbesondere tagsüber wenn ich den Plug drin habe und damit rumlaufe ....
It really is great!
Just got this toy last week. It really is great! The first time in proved a bit uncomfortable even with lots of lube, but now it slips in nicely. The weight of it gives a wonderful feeling when walking around. I think I'll move on to something bigger soon..............any suggestions? I bought the smaller size ....
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