Peaaegu 8 cm läbimõõt ja 70 cm pikkus ei ole dildo mõõtmed, mis sind hirmutavad? Siis on DEEP'R Duck sinu jaoks ideaalne anaalmänguasja.
Peaaegu 8 cm läbimõõt ja 70 cm pikkus ei ole dildo mõõtmed, mis sind hirmutavad? Siis on DEEP'R Duck sinu jaoks ideaalne anaalmänguasja.
Kui suurus ja pikkus on sinu jaoks olulised, siis see dildo PEAB sul olema, sest see pakub piisavat venitust ja äärmuslikku stimulatsiooni sügaval sinu sees.
MEO teab, mida näljane auk vajab: äärmuslikku pikkust, suurt läbimõõtu, ebatavalisi tekstuure ja veenvat materjali, mis on piisavalt tugev ja samal ajal paindlik, et sa saaksid seda sügaval sinu sees tunda täpselt õigetes kohtades!
Useless if you're not a couple
This toy is extremely hard to use alone. It's too soft to be easily inserted as it doesn't have anything to hold on firmly enough. I'd mention in the description that the product is extremely soft and wobbly.
tres stimulant, souple et tres grainé
Je suis bottomtoys, sur twitter et je fais regulièrement des videos. Ce toys est dans une matière tres grainé stimulante, dans laquelle le crisco ou le jlube peut se conserver pour plus de glisse.
Il est tres bien, une boule en bec de canard de belle dimension
too flexible of a tail
really wanted to try this one out. problem is the probe (duck head) is quite long to get in. would like it if it was more rounded and didn't have that longer goose neck. also if it wasn't as tapered at the bottom of it because it wants to slip out. The material is a little rough, so again, I'd vote for a smoother material and get rid of the mini ridges. this one is also had to push in because the tail is so squishy and offers no support and gets in the way when trying to sit on it. maybe it's just me, right idea but can improve.
5 stars
I have gotten most of this up my ass, it's very tall. The thickness has not been a problem ...
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