MEO® StretchControl™ on täispuhutav laiendaja peenise jaoks. See pakub võrratut kogemust uretraalse stimulatsiooni (uretraalse mängu) armastajatele ja tagab hingematva kontrolli kaotamise.
StretchControl™ - Täispuhutav peenise laiendaja
StretchControl™ firmalt MEO® on täispuhutav laiendaja peenisele. See pakub võrratut kogemust uretraalse stimulatsiooni (Urethral Play) armastajatele ja tagab hingematva kontrolli kaotamise.
On eriline tunne, kui õhuke ja sileda laiendaja liibub peenisesse. Seda saab käepärase pumba abil individuaalselt pumbata, tekitades orgasmi tekitavat survet põie vastu - hingematvad tunded.
Laiendi sile, kooniline ots muudab sisestamise lihtsamaks ja pakub intensiivset stimulatsiooni. StretchControl™ on seestpoolt õõnes ja äärmiselt paindlik, mis mitte ainult ei tee sisestamist lihtsamaks, vaid tagab ka ühtlase ja täiusliku stimulatsiooni igas punktis.
Dilaatorit saab pumbapalli aktiveerimise teel soovitud suuruseni pumbata. Integreeritud turvaklapp tagab, et õhk väljub kiiresti ja dilataator tõmbub igal ajal tagasi oma algsesse suurusesse. See muudab selle seksimänguasja sobivaks nii algajatele kui ka edasijõudnutele. Kas seda kasutatakse iseseisvalt või loovalt armatsemisse integreerituna - StretchControl™ rikastab iga BDSM-seanssi.
Uretraalne stimulatsioon sobib nii meestele kui ka naistele. Uretri arvukad erektsiooni ja närvid teevad selle venitamise ja stimuleerimise eriti ahvatlevaks.
esattamente come in descrizione, usate tanto lubrificante
Inflatable Urethral Sounds Dilator
The head of the penis is filled with nerves, as is the urethra, which feel amazing when stimulated. This device is designed to both stimulate and stretch the urethra adding new sensations and training for larger sounds. Can also be used for liquid play.
Urethra stretching
This arrived last week, and has been played with 5 or 6 times. The sensation is very pleasant. I do two different things with this - one is to push it in as far as it will go (this does not get near you bladder if you are a guy) pump till you feel it, before it hurts, and then slowly pull it all the way out. The second is to push it all the way in and pump as much as you can handle. Deflate. Move it out a centimeter and pump again. Deflate again and so on until the balloon pops out of your cock. My only criticism is that balloon inflates in a very uneven way - inflated outside the urethra it bends at 90 degrees. I don't think it will do that when in the urethra but it makes me wonder about Quality Control and longevity.
Urethra stretching
This arrived last week, and has been played with 5 or 6 times. The sensation is very pleasant. I do two different things with this - one is to push it in as far as it will go (this does not get near you bladder if you are a guy) pump till you feel it, before it hurts, and then slowly pull it all the way out. The second is to push it all the way in and pump as much as you can handle. Deflate. Move it out a centimeter and pump again. Deflate again and so on until the balloon pops out of your cock. My only criticism is that balloon inflates in a very uneven way - inflated outside the urethra it bends at 90 degrees. I don't think it will do that when in the urethra but it makes me wonder about Quality Control and longevity.
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