Massiivne nauding meestele: LOVESTICK peenisepistik kasutamiseks üksi või paarina! Oleme varustanud meie LOVESTICKi viie stimulatsioonipalliga.
Massiivne nauding meestele: LOVESTICK Penis Plug kasutamiseks üksi või paarikaupa!
Meditsiinilise roostevaba terase suhtes kehtivad kõrgeimad nõuded ja arvukad standardid; nagu ka meie LOVESTICK peenisepistiku suhtes, mis on valmistatud sellest kvaliteetsest materjalist CNC-protsessi abil.
Oleme varustanud meie LOVESTICKi viie stimulatsioonipalliga. Nende pallidega avaldab see kogu oma pikkuses muljet ka kõige ambitsioonikamale kasutajale. Sa kommenteerid iga üksiku palli sisestamisel "AAAAH" või "UUUH". Piisavalt suur otsaplaat tagab, et meie LOVESTICK istub kindlalt ja kindlalt ka ekstreemse tegevuse ajal ning ei libise liiga kaugele sisse.
5 palli tagavad unustamatu elamuse, eriti autoerootilise mängu ajal.
Dilataator : Sisestatav pikkus u. 55 mm, kogupikkus u. 60 mm, kuuli läbimõõt 9 mm, plaat 15 mm, täispikk, ilma läbiva auguta. MEO-TEAMi kvaliteedigarantii. Sisestamise abivahendina soovitame meie spetsiaalselt Cock Stuffer jaoks toodetud libestusainet "VERYDEEP" (artikkel 8306)
It felt so good when he turned the plug around a few time!
I received my penis plug yesterday, and was so excited. My partner has more experience with sounds and urethral play, so I asked him to insert my plug. He applied the included lube to the plug and 3/4 of the way in found some resistance, but after 5 tries he slowly worked me up to pushing it a little further and the silicone plug popped into place - it felt so good when he turned the plug around a few time!
Great sensations as it slid in and out.
Fantastic penis plug. Was not sure I would be able to get it all in. Great sensations as it slid in and out.
Love each bump when it's going in and when stroking.
Great shopping n good quality. Love each bump when it's going in and when stroking.
Stays in even when soft, nice feeling when walking around with it.
Ich habe den Penisplug gleich gleich beim ersten mal, bis auf eine Kugel hineinbekommen.
Würde ihn sofort wieder kaufen.
Mein Rat: viel Very Deep Gleitgel verwenden.
Penis Plug - Dilator
Absolut nichts für Anfänger; der Penis Plug ist schon recht kräftig und dick. Oberflächen und Kanten sind sehr sauber und handwerklich einwandfrei verarbeitet. Eine echte Empfehlung für besondere Reize.
Für Anfänger
Der Dilator hat den richtigen Durchmesser, aber die Länge ist nach einer Weile, für erfahrene Anwender, uninteressant. Aber zum Üben für Anfänger ist er vollkommen okay
Beaded Penis Plug
Wow! This should be called "Five Beads of Bliss"! This is the best one-piece I own and it's fantastic!! It feels so great going in and if it's the correct size for you, it won't require anything to hold it in place. It's awesome to see just the flat tip covering the opening, and since it stays in place well it's a smooth all-day and a comfortable all-night wear; just remember to remove for cleaning and enjoy the delightful sensations coming out and discover how anxious you'll feel to get it back where it belongs!! Give it a try and enjoy!!!
first time
im s o pleased with my penis plug it fitted very well i really enjoy useing it
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