NoPacha® STEALTHi peetakse üheks kõige ohutumaks ja paremaks meestele mõeldud voorusvööks. Tänu kõrgele kandmismugavusele võib seda kanda isegi aastaid või aastakümneid ja loomulikult ei ole see lennujaamades avastatav.
NoPacha® STEALTHi peetakse üheks kõige ohutumaks ja paremaks meestele mõeldud voorusvööks. Tänu kõrgele kandmismugavusele võib seda kanda isegi aastaid või aastakümneid ja loomulikult on see lennujaamades märkamatu.
NoPacha® STEALTH voorusvöö on valmistatud spetsiaalsest polümeerist, mida kasutatakse ka kaitsetööstuses, ning sellel on voolujooneline disain ja mikroperforeeringud, mis võimaldavad õhu ringlemist peenise ja munandite ümber. Lisaks sellele ei ole NoPacha® STEALTHi võimalik lennujaamades metallidetektorite poolt ära tunda.
NoPacha® STEALTH on parim lahendus alistuvale mehele! Tänu integreeritud lukule ei ole NoPacha® STEALTH voorusvöö mahukas ja seda saab kanda väga diskreetselt igapäevaste riiete all kuude või aastate jooksul, ilma et välismaailm seda märkaks.
MEO® unikaalselt turvaline konstruktsioon, mis on valmistatud spetsiaalsest purunematu polümeerist (USA militaartehnoloogia), on ideaalselt kohandatud mehe anatoomiale ning seda peetakse absoluutselt põgenemiskindlaks ja seda ei saa manipuleerida. Tipus olev pilu võimaldab kandjal urineerida.
Tänu oma konstruktsioonile sobib NoPacha® STEALTH voorusvöö ideaalselt meestele, kes peavad voorusvööd kandma väga pikka aega.
NoPacha® STEALTH voorusvöö sobib ideaalselt reisimiseks ja on metallidetektorite jaoks täiesti äratuntav. Enne lendu saab lukustusmehhanismi eemaldada ja asendada spetsiaalse mittemetallilise poldiga, mida saab lukustada pitseriga (võtmehoidja seerianumbriga lukuga).
Täiendavad üksikasjad:
Comfortable but totally controlling
After many issues with other devices this one makes very long term chastity seem possible. No sharp edges and no chafing. The flatter ring leaves the balls hanging better without trapping skin. Perhaps I am lucky with the sizing but the device prevents me from even an attempted erection. Because the design holds the cock and balls in the same relative position, attempted masturbation is pointless. Total control, strict chastity.
The Perfect Long-Term Device
If you are looking for a long-term chastity solution, then this is by far the best device on the market.
I have been held in chastity almost full-time for the last three years and have tried many devices, all of which had their trade-offs. Some were just too fragile for regular use. Others lacked ventilation and drainage problems that led to it smelling. While others were just uncomfortable for long term wear especially overnight. This device solves all these issues.
A big problem with other devices is the join between the shaft and the ring. Often this is liable to breakage. The NoPacha STEALTH solves this with a join with a large surface area so spreading the stress.
Talking of spreading the stress, the ring has a wide width to it. That helps spread the pressure when you become erect and prevents bruising to the base of the shaft, especially at night.
In fact generally, it is incredibly comfortable to wear. The matt finish reduces sweating, and there are no sharp edges even around the locking mechanism.
Finally, there is a small drainage slit immediately below the pee hold that allows excess urine to drain out rather than collecting in the shaft tube. This keeps the interior of the shaft dry and odour free.
As for escape proof, well it isn't perfect for a man like me whose size changes quite dramatically. However, it is as good, if not better, than any other device I have worn.
In short, this is the ideal device for me, and I imagine most people who are wearing a chastity device for anything more than a day or two.
The Perfect Long-Term Device
If you are looking for a long-term chastity solution, then this is by far the best device on the market.
I have been held in chastity almost full-time for the last three years and have tried many devices, all of which had their trade-offs. Some were just too fragile for regular use. Others lacked ventilation and drainage problems that led to it smelling. While others were just uncomfortable for long term wear especially overnight. This device solves all these issues.
A big problem with other devices is the join between the shaft and the ring. Often this is liable to breakage. The NoPacha STEALTH solves this with a join with a large surface area so spreading the stress.
Talking of spreading the stress, the ring has a wide width to it. That helps spread the pressure when you become erect and prevents bruising to the base of the shaft, especially at night.
In fact generally, it is incredibly comfortable to wear. The matt finish reduces sweating, and there are no sharp edges even around the locking mechanism.
Finally, there is a small drainage slit immediately below the pee hold that allows excess urine to drain out rather than collecting in the shaft tube. This keeps the interior of the shaft dry and odour free.
As for escape proof, well it isn't perfect for a man like me whose size changes quite dramatically. However, it is as good, if not better, than any other device I have worn.
In short, this is the ideal device for me, and I imagine most people who are wearing a chastity device for anything more than a day or two.
Dieser KG sieht fast schon ein bisschen futuristisch aus. Die Beschichtung wirkt äußerst maskulin und das, wo doch das beste Stück damit weggeschlossen wird. Welch süße Ironie..;) Die mitgeliferten Schlössermit Zahlencode sind auch sehr praktisch, da sie safe sind, wenn der Schlüsselträger mal nicht vor Ort ist und durch die Codes abgegelichen werden kann, dass alles gut weggesperrt bleibt. Tolle Qualität und zum dauerhaften Tragen gut geeignet!
Ein High Tech Teil.
Trägt sich super tolles Gefühl.
Unbedingt zu empfehlen besonders zum länger tragen
Ein High Tech Teil.
Trägt sich super tolles Gefühl.
Unbedingt zu empfehlen besonders zum länger tragen
Ein high Tech chastity besonders für Langzeiträger.
Ein science fiction stealth bomber in der Hose wird Realität.
Der Kunststoffstift gibt eine Sicherung die keine Bedenken vor
Metalldetektoren machen kann.
Läßt sich super anlegen, ist extrem leicht und sieht auch noch mega aus.
Mein highlight.
Ein echtes high tech chastity. Tolles Tragegefühl besonders für Langzeitträger.
Der Kunststoffabschlussstift macht das ganze perfekt.
Man braucht keine bedenken haben, dass Metall Detektoren anspringen.
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