Me kasutame erinevaid küpsiseid, mis on esitatud alljärgnevas valikus. Vajalikud küpsised on meie saidi toimimiseks hädavajalikud ja seetõttu on need vaikimisi seatud. Kõik teised küpsised aitavad meil kujundada meie veebipakkumist vastavalt teie vajadustele ja seda pidevalt täiustada. Statistikaküpsised aitavad meil mõista, kuidas külastajad meie veebisaidiga suhtlevad, kogudes teavet anonüümselt. Turundusküpsised võimaldavad meil parandada meie veebisaidil pakutavaid tooteid. Saate neid küpsiseid hallata, klõpsates alloleval nupul. Saate igal ajal meie veebisaidil seadistusi vaadata ja neid vastavalt muuta.
Lisateavet leiate meie privaatsuspoliitikast .
Alates 18
Järgnevad leheküljed on mõeldud ainult täiskasvanutele. Sisestades kinnitate, et olete vähemalt 18-aastane.
Kiimas pakkumised 24 tundi: Uued pakkumised iga päev - tugevalt vähendatud. Avastage kiirpakkumised, päeva pakkumised, sooduspakkumised, pakkumised ja kupongid.
The MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask was sent as part of a package destined for Pleasure Panel reviews, but I just couldn’t help myself. I used to have a kinky gas mask, then through circumstances it became lost to me. Now, at last, I have a gas mask of my own to play with once again. Thanks MEO!
MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask Review
There’s something about gas masks. I don’t have a fetish for them, but they’re unashamedly kinky. There’s no hiding one of these strapped to your face – unless you happen to have a body bag kink as well, I suppose. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen gas masks in the context of BDSM and kink so much. I’m not of an era or location where gas masks fill me with dread or sadness, although of course I am aware of and despise that these things often need to be used for non-kinky reasons.
Not mine, though – the MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask is 100% for pleasure. Maybe that’s the key which unlocks my fascination with these items; a perverse enjoyment of turning the world on its head, using such a symbol of non-consensual repression, control and fear as an extreme expression of consensual pleasure and absolute freedom, instead.
Anyway, enough of my musing. What’s the MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask like? How do you use it? How on earth do you put it on, how does it feel, and what are you supposed to do when it’s there?
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Simply screw this to a wall or other suitable upright, clamp in your sub's/bottom's balls, step back and admire your handywork.
Next up, tease them at arms length, there's nothing they can do! Or perhaps just leave them a while safe in the knowledge that they won't be going anywhere.
This fabulous device is essentially a hinged ball weight that is attached to a 7" rod and finished with a small plate to mount it with.
The ball weight/clamp is 25mm (1") deep with an internal diamter of 34mm (1 1/3"); the clamp locks with a small allen head bolt - allen key is provided.
The whole assembly is made from polished stainless steel.
Riecht geil nach Leder, ist fein gearbeitet und ich kann nicht abwarten: Was kommt, ein zartes Streicheln oder ein fester Hieb? Beides fühlt sich so gut an!
Meiner Freundin gefällt der Anal Hammer aus Edelstahl super, weil man den auch wärmen oder kühlen kann. Wir hatten schon sehr schöne Nächte mit dem Teil! Sehr zu empfehlen!
Wir besitzen den Anal Master schon einige Jahre und sind immer noch super mit ihm zufrieden, dank der tollen Verarbeitung (ist noch leichtgängig wie am ersten Tag). Mit Kondom drüber auch immer eine saubere und sichere Sache, und natürlich auch einfach zu reinigen. Kann vor dem Einführen auch prima temperiert werden (Kühlschrank oder warmes Wasser). Kann bei entsprechender Einstellung sehr wirkungsvoll die Prostata stimulieren, ohne das man(n) etwas dagegen machen kann und/oder aufhalten kann. In Kombination mit Keuschheitsgürtel oder -schelle natürlich noch viel besser, unser Er "liebt" es ;-) Und auch ohne das Schloss schon ziemlich sicher, da Er ja sowieso nicht das Gegenstück hat um ihn wieder zusammen zudrehen und einen passenden Außensechskantschlüssel hat man(n) ja meist nicht bei. Und die Neugierigen die wir bisher an MEO verwiesen haben, haben den Kauf auch nicht bereut...
Grundsätzlich sehr gut und gayl. Allerdings wäre eine größere Kugel, separat bestellter, eine gute Ergänzung! Meine Dildos gehen bis zu einem Durchmesser von 12 cm, da ist die Kugel doch etwas arg klein!
Me and my girlfriend bought this for our first role reversal experience. After a bit of practice it works just awesome. Just placed another order through you guys!! Thanks
I have tried many other plugs, they are painful going in and don't always stay in. The threads on this are well engineered to go in with only slight discomfort, not even really pain, but it does not come out. At first I used the desensitizing grease sold at MEO to screw it in with but don't need that any more. I love the feel of the weight of it as it bounces when I walk around naked. It makes me pee nice and straight too. it makes great sensation in vaginal sex but because of the through hole not good for anal sex. Sterility is a must! (When, not if, you make a mistake, just squirt some antibiotic cream inside for a couple of days.) Just bought the large one and can't wait to try it. I am going to tap threads into the hole so it can be plugged and that way I can attach a loop to it as well. I like to attach the loop of my silicone plug to a nipple chain. What a sensation when masterbating. bd eye
This is the perfect size for anyone interested in sounding or cumming into someone's cock. At 8mm, it's just right for fitting into most people. There is a chance for a bit of stretching, but with patience, it will go in quite easily into both men. Make sure to use lubricant that is at the very least clear and sugar-free. Try to go for sterile lubricant in order to prevent urinary tract infections.
Once it is in there, it's simply a matter of jerking off easily. You have to remember you have an item inside that has the potential to scrape. So jerking off easily is a must to prevent scraping the urethra and the major urination pain afterward. It does help to practice without a second guy attached so you can get used to using the sound inside of you.
The sound, at least for me, got noticeably warmer immediately before I ejaculated. The first time you use it, it might scare you a little bit. Just know this is quite normal or at least it was normal for me. Cum passes through amazingly well.
Finally, make sure to drink PLENTY of water and urinate (pee) while sitting down. You'll thank me for this later. There is potential for painful (stinging, really) urination afterward for several hours, particularly if you scraped the urethra. Going while sitting down helps in case you scraped or overstretched.